Saturday, 28 October 2017

Solutions for Missing Teeth

A Personalized Approach to Replacing Missing Teeth
One of the biggest needs we fulfill for our patients is providing solutions for missing teeth.
The first question would be do you have any existing teeth in your upper or lower dental arch?

If the answer is YES, then we have to ask if they can be saved, and then how can the spaces be replaced?
  1. When teeth are missing, your options are a removable partial denture, dental implants with crowns, or bridges.
  2. We assess remaining teeth to see if they can be kept, and address any underlying issues such as decay and gum disease.
  3. Many teeth under assault from gum disease might be saved from extraction by laser gum treatment (LANAP™).
  4. A decision to keep teeth in place should ONLY be made if you are committed to routine dental maintenance both at home and in the dental office for LIFE.
  5. Whenever possible, we recommend trying to save existing teeth that have long-term possibilities.
  6. Please note that not all people are candidates for implantology.
Advanced Dentistry of Spring   
Stephen D. Glass, DDS  
Joel C. Edgar, DDS
7000 Louetta Road, Suite A
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 376-1214

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Halloween Candy: Your Dental Health Survival Guide

Below is an excerpt from an article found on

With Halloween comes ghosts, goblins and goodies-and the sugar in those treats can play some unwanted tricks on your teeth if you’re not careful. 

Here’s why: The bacteria in your mouth are probably more excited to eat Halloween candy than you are. When the bacteria eat the sugar and leftover food in your mouth, a weak acid is produced. That acid is what can contribute to cavities. 

But don’t hang up your costume just yet. “Halloween is about candy, dressing up and having fun,” says ADA dentist Dr. Ana Paula Ferraz-Dougherty. “It’s OK to eat that candy on Halloween as a splurge as long as you’re brushing twice a day and flossing once a day all year long.”

To help you sort through the trick-or-treat bag loot, we have a rundown of some common candies and their impact on your teeth:
Chocolate is probably your best bet, which is good because it’s also one of the most popular kinds of candy handed out on Halloween. ìChocolate is one of the better candies because it washes off your teeth easier than other types of candy,î Dr. Ferraz- Dougherty says. “Dark chocolate also has less sugar than milk chocolate.”

Sticky and Gummy Candies
Be picky if it’s sticky. These are some of the worst candies for your teeth. “This candy is harder to remove and may stay longer on your teeth, which gives that cavity-causing bacteria more time to work,” Dr. Ferraz-Dougherty says.

To read the entire article visit

The remainder of the article details the following:

  • Hard Candy
  • Sour Candy
  • Popcorn Balls

Advanced Dentistry of Spring   
Stephen D. Glass, DDS  
Joel C. Edgar, DDS
7000 Louetta Road, Suite A
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 376-1214

Monday, 16 October 2017

What are Cavities?

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to say about what cavities are.

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Advanced Dentistry of Spring   
Stephen D. Glass, DDS  
Joel C. Edgar, DDS
7000 Louetta Road, Suite A
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 376-1214

Sunday, 15 October 2017

12 Tips for a Healthy Halloween

Below is an excerpt from an article found on

Halloween is around the corner, which for most children means bags of free candy and a chance to build a stockpile of sweets for the winter. No surprise, Halloween can also present parents with a variety of health and safety challenges. “It’s OK to eat that candy on Halloween but it’s important to have a plan,” says ADA dentist Dr. Ana Paula Ferraz-Dougherty. 

Here's how you can help your family stay MouthHealthy on Halloween and year-round.
Time It Right
Eat Halloween candy (and other sugary foods) with meals or shortly after mealtime. Saliva production increases during meals. This helps cancel out acids produced by bacteria in your mouth and rinse away food particles.

Stay Away from Sweet Snacks
Snacking can increase your risk of cavities, and it’s double the trouble if you keep grabbing sugary treats from the candy bowl. “Snacking on candy throughout the day is not ideal for your dental health or diet,” Dr. Ferraz-Dougherty says.

Choose Candy Carefully
Avoid hard candy and other sweets that stay in your mouth for a long time. Aside from how often you snack, the length of time sugary food is in your mouth plays a role in tooth decay. Unless it is a sugar-free product, candies that stay in the mouth for a long period of time subject teeth to an increased risk for tooth decay.

To read the entire article visit

The remainder of the article details the following:

  • Avoid Sticky Situations
  • Have a Plan
  • Drink More Water
  • Maintain a Healthy Diet
  • Stay Away from Sugary Beverages
  • Chew Gum with the ADA Seal
  • Brush Twice a Day
  • Clean Between Your Teeth
  • Visit an ADA Dentist

Advanced Dentistry of Spring   
Stephen D. Glass, DDS  
Joel C. Edgar, DDS
7000 Louetta Road, Suite A
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 376-1214

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Third Molar Removal

Third Molar Extractions

Third molars, otherwise known as wisdom teeth, develop later than other adult teeth, usually between the ages of 17 and 25. These teeth are located in the very back of the mouth, often becoming impacted if they don't fit in the arch of the upper or lower jaw. Impaction means the tooth doesn't grow straight up; instead, it becomes encased in the jaw bone. This can create a host of problems, as it can push and crowd other teeth, making those teeth grow in improperly. Cavities can easily occur because wisdom teeth are hard to keep clean. Infection can even develop in the jaw bone. The best solution is to have them extracted as soon as they appear, before these issues and the density of the jaw bone increases, making it harder to remove them. Dr. Glass works with a board-certified oral surgeon so extractions can be done right here in our office, without you having to be referred elsewhere. IV sedation is available, administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist.

Advanced Dentistry of Spring   
Stephen D. Glass, DDS  
Joel C. Edgar, DDS
7000 Louetta Road, Suite A
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 376-1214

Monday, 9 October 2017

Inter-Dental Cleaners

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to say about inter-dental cleaners.

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Advanced Dentistry of Spring   
Stephen D. Glass, DDS  
Joel C. Edgar, DDS
7000 Louetta Road, Suite A
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 376-1214

Sunday, 8 October 2017

Cold and Flu Season: 5 Ways to Care for Your Mouth When You’re Sick

Below is an excerpt from an article found on
When he’s feeling under the weather, ADA dentist Dr. Gene Romo says one thing always helps him feel a little more like himself. “Brushing my teeth when I’m sick actually makes me feel better,” he says. “My mouth feels clean, and in a way, I feel like my health is starting to improve.”

When you have a cold or the flu, taking care of your body is your top priority-and that includes your mouth. “It’s important to take care of your dental health all year round, but especially when you’re sick,” Dr. Romo says.

Here are some simple ways to care for your dental health when you’re not feeling well: 

Practice Good Hygiene
When you’re sick, you know to cover your mouth when you cough and sneeze. Don’t forget to keep up your dental and toothbrush hygiene as well.
According to the CDC, the flu virus can live on moist surfaces for 72 hours. “The number one rule is not to share your toothbrush anytime, but especially when you are sick,” Dr. Romo says.
You also probably don’t need to replace your toothbrush after you’ve been sick. Unless your immune system is severely compromised, the chances of reinfecting yourself are very low. “But if you’re still in doubt, throw it out,” says Dr. Romo. “Especially if you’ve had your toothbrush for 3-4 months, when it’s time to replace it anyway.”

Choose Sugar-Free Cough Drops
Read the label before you pick up a bag at the drug store with an eye to avoid ingredients like fructose or corn syrup. “Many cough drops contain sugar, and it is like sucking on candy,” says Dr. Romo. “Sugar is a culprit when it comes to cavities.” The longer you keep a sugary cough drop in your mouth, the more time cavity-causing bacteria has to feast on that sugar, which produces the acid that can leave holes in your teeth.

To read the entire article visit

The remainder of the article details the following:

  • Swish and Spit After Vomiting
  • Stay Hydrated to Avoid Dry Mouth
  • Choose the Right Fluids

Advanced Dentistry of Spring   
Stephen D. Glass, DDS  
Joel C. Edgar, DDS
7000 Louetta Road, Suite A
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 376-1214

Thursday, 5 October 2017

Dental Implants

What's So Bad About Losing a Tooth?

No matter how you lose a tooth – gum disease, decay, accident or some other trauma, you should consider it a huge problem. Missing even one tooth will allow your other teeth to become displaced, altering your ability to chew and process nutrients from your food. You may undergo weight loss, your facial appearance may shrink, or your speech patterns may change.
Need a replacement? Dental implants offer the optimal way to restore a missing tooth (or missing teeth). They appear so natural only your dentist will know they're not your originals.

Advanced Dentistry of Spring   
Stephen D. Glass, DDS  
Joel C. Edgar, DDS
7000 Louetta Road, Suite A
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 376-1214

Monday, 2 October 2017

Tooth Whitening Is Not Equal to Tooth Brushing

Learn more about what the American Dental Association has to say about tooth whitening not being equal to tooth brushing.

The above video is found on the American Dental Association YouTube Channel.

Advanced Dentistry of Spring   
Stephen D. Glass, DDS  
Joel C. Edgar, DDS
7000 Louetta Road, Suite A
Spring, TX 77379
(281) 376-1214